Category Archives: Uncategorized
Cheemeng’s research was featured in IEEE magazine
Cheemeng’s research was featured in IEEE magazine Jan 2013 Cheemeng was featured in the advertisement of Branco-Weiss Fellowship.
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Cheemeng attended an interview with WPXI
Cheemeng attended an interview with WPXI Oct 2012 Cheemeng talked about synthetic biology and its impact on Pittsburgh biotechnological scene.
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Carnegie Mellon team led by Lane Fellow Cheemeng Tan advances in iGEM competition
Carnegie Mellon team led by Lane Fellow Cheemeng Tan advances in iGEM competition Oct 2012 Carnegie Mellon University won the Best Foundational Award and Best Measurement Approach! The team did really well in their first participation in iGEM
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New mechanism for antibiotic tolerance found
New mechanism for antibiotic tolerance found Oct 2012 We have published our work on bacterial tolerance to antibiotic treatment. The work uses quantitative biological approaches to identify a novel interaction between antibiotic and ribosomes, which leads to the innoculum effect that is commonly observed in antibiotic treatment. Continue reading
Prestigious Swiss fellowship awarded to Lane Center’s Cheemeng Tan
Prestigious Swiss fellowship awarded to Lane Center’s Cheemeng Tan June 2012 Cheemeng was award a 5-year Branco-Weiss Fellowship by the Society-in-Science. The funding will support his work on tackling antibiotic treatment using novel artificial cellular systems. Continue reading
Some Bacteria Zig When Others Zag
Some Bacteria Zig When Others Zag Oct 2009 We have published our work on bistability of synthetic bacteria. This work underscores the critical importance of considering host-circuit interactions in synthetic biology. Continue reading
Understanding A Cell’s Split Personality Aids Synthetic Circuits
Instant insight Living computers
Instant insight: Living computers Oct 2007 Can we build artificial cellular systems to perform computation? Continue reading